Nutrition and lifestyle are the keys to longevity

A blog by Michael Butler

Articles and opinions for my family & friends about how I am living a healthier life informed by scientific research undertaken since being diagnosed with heart disease. Starting with the principle that each of us is biologically unique, everyone can use nutrition and lifestyle to achieve their greatest potential.

Where does all the sugar come from?

Everyday foods like fruit juice, bread, croissants, pasta, potatoes, and rice are readily turned into blood sugar when we consume them. Much of that sugar is then turned into body fat. Eating these things all day and everyday goes a long way to explain why so many of us struggle with our weight. I explain how this happens here.

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Real food, Recipes Michael Butler Real food, Recipes Michael Butler

Cookbooks we use regularly

My wife and I initially struggled with how to eat more healthily. These 11 cookbooks gave us the confidence to get rid of the seed oils, sugars and starches, and grains that formed the basis of our unhealthy eating habits and the roadmap to adopt a new, healthy lifestyle. Eating healthily can be cheap, easy, quick, and delicious. No matter what we’re in the mood for, there are tasty recipes available.

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Regenerative gardening - as nature intended

Three years of garden creation captured in pictures. Regenerative gardening prioritises soil health to grow tastier fruit and vegetables, as nature intended. Healthy soil is literally full of life that cross-talks constantly with the plants rooted in it. This article explains those concepts and describes how we created our regenerative garden.

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Gut fungi are not as numerous as bacteria but their influence is likely larger

If, like me, you are interested in how gut microbiota affect human health, read on. Long under-investigated and poorly understood gut fungi appear to affect health much more than their small numbers suggest and likely influence what happens to the much more numerous bacteria each of us have in our gut.

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Public Health Collaboration Annual Meeting 2024

Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) was the main topic of a recent conference I attended. I learned a lot about the cause, detection and treatment of T2D and wrote this article to summarise what I saw and heard.

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Reversing multiple sclerosis: the inspiring story of Dr. Terry Wahls

“Food is the bedrock of health. Our food choices can either lead to disease or create health and vitality.” I defy you to read this story and not be inspired by one woman’s story of how she reversed the debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis with food. She now leads a healthy, relatively normal life

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Fruit juice can be OK… in moderation

Fruit juice must be good for us, right? Not so fast, fruit juice is not a natural food, it has been processed and changed from its natural fruity origin. It can be OK when consumed in moderation by someone who is metabolically flexible. Otherwise, be careful.

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“…a healthy brain requires a meaty diet”

It’s not often I read about the pros and cons of meat-based vs plant-based diets in a major newspaper. This was a good one

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“Ultra-processed foods damage health and shorten life”

Did you know that an editorial recently published in the British Medical Journal has called for the UN to think about ultra-processed food in the same was as it does tobacco? This follows a review of how ultra-processed food affected the health of almost 10 million people.

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