Nutrition and lifestyle are the keys to longevity

A blog by Michael Butler

Articles and opinions for my family & friends about how I am living a healthier life informed by scientific research undertaken since being diagnosed with heart disease. Starting with the principle that each of us is biologically unique, everyone can use nutrition and lifestyle to achieve their greatest potential.

Managing age-related muscle loss

As we age, we lose muscle mass unless we train for strength, eat enough real food and get enough sleep. Each of these can be achieved with a little effort and attention. We can preserve muscle mass and strength with things like yoga, calisthenics, and weight lifting. Those exercises must be accompanied by eating enough protein from real food. The third component, sleep, is often overlooked but it is vital because our body builds muscle as we sleep.

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The most nutritious food

What are the best food sources of things like protein, vitamins, and minerals? As someone I used to work with might say, that depends. It depends upon whether you mean total or bioavailable. It also depends on your dietary preferences. I’m interested in the most bioavailable real food irrespective of the source. In this post, I present data from the academic literature showing that animal-based foods are the most suited to our human digestion and metabolism.

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Human Metabolism, Nutrition, Nutrient density, Medicine, Food Michael Butler Human Metabolism, Nutrition, Nutrient density, Medicine, Food Michael Butler

Food is not medicine - It is so much more important

Have you ever heard the term “food is medicine”? The first time I heard it my gut reaction was positive…of course that makes sense plus it’s snappy and easy to remember. Turns out I was wrong. Real food is so much more important than medicine and eating what’s good for us can stop us from needing medicine. Read on for more

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Nutrition, Food, Fermented food Michael Butler Nutrition, Food, Fermented food Michael Butler

Fermented food and drink

Are you intrigued by the current popularity of certain fermented foods such as kefir and kimchi and interested in understanding if they really are beneficial? I consume fermented food every day and can describe some of their benefits. Fermented foods offer rare nutritional benefit to our bodies and our gut microbiota in a single package. Luckily, fermented food is easy to make at home because their full health benefits are delivered unpasteurized, and because home fermenting allows us to eat real seasonal food produced locally.

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