Nutrition and lifestyle are the keys to longevity
A blog by Michael Butler
Articles and opinions for my family & friends about how I am living a healthier life informed by scientific research undertaken since being diagnosed with heart disease. Starting with the principle that each of us is biologically unique, everyone can use nutrition and lifestyle to achieve their greatest potential.
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- Microbiota diversity 1
Nature - Scotland, Tentsmuir Forest
Just a quick nature fix with a few pictures of the forest as it emerges from the Scottish winter.
Industrially processed carbohydrates
Have you ever wondered why, indeed did you even know that the sugar and starches many of us eat today are the main causes of weight gain and obesity? Even worse, if left unchecked, the metabolic damage they cause can include heart disease, high blood pressure, and Type-2 diabetes. I explain here how eating to much industrially processed carbohydrate drives up blood insulin and insulin resistance to produce those ill-effects.
Ferments - Dairy Kefir
Milk kefir is the only whole food that I consume every day. I make it easily at home and it provides me with a rich mixture of nutrients and gut-healthy prebiotics and probiotics. I write here about how I make kefir at home.
What’s in store for 2024?
There are many large myths surrounding nutrition and human health. This is a quick summary of what I’ve learned about the state of nutritional science since starting this blog and how I’m going to proceed in 2024.
Natural sunlight helps with sleep
The best way to reset or maintain a healthy circadian rhythm is to get outside and watch the sunrise.
Nature - Scotland, Glen Isla
Pictures and commentary from a winter Hike in Glen Isla, one of Scotland’s Angus Glens.
The benefits of sauna
Do you dismiss sauna as a luxury or part of a pampering day out? I used to make that mistake. Now I consider it part of a healthy lifestyle that builds on a base of healthy diet, exercise and sleep. Here I describe why and how I use sauna regularly to get maximum health benefit
Red meat is demonstrably safe
This is the story of a young Englishman following dietary guidelines and professional advice but developed IBD which within three years required that his colon be removed. He describes in graphic detail how he was required to manually manipulate his gut to ease the passage of plant material and eventually remove it in a bag. He finally improved his quality of life by eating a 100% animal-based diet. This is a cautionary tale of how one-size-fits-all dietary recommendations can be harmful.
Dietary Fibre
Until recently I believed that eating plant fibre was required by everyone for gut lining health. Once again, it appears that I was wrong. I’ve also recently found out that dietary fibre may even be harmful for people suffering from gut issues like IBS and IBD. The good news is that gut lining health is enabled by a handful of beneficial metabolites, only one of them originating from dietary fibre. The key is metabolic flexibility.
High healthy cholesterol is good for me
Healthy cholesterol is good for me and the speakers in this embedded discussion do a fabulous job of explaining that. They also describe better risk factors for ill health including blood clotting factors and a certain type of damaged LDL called sdLDL. I hope you enjoy the discussion as much as I did.
The importance of Vitamin D
There is good evidence that many, if not most, of us are deficient in Vitamin D. We’ve known for a long time that this can cause rickets, an easily identified symptom. It is now becoming evident that lack of Vitamin D may result in frequent infections and things like cancer and osteoporosis. There are ways to get enough Vitamin D, read on if you’re interested.
Our gut microbiome is constantly in contact with our environment - give it access to the good things in life
Our gut microbiome is continually in contact with our environment and the consequences can be significant. We can easily create and expose our microbiome to a healthy natural environment. This gives us the best chance of maintaining gut health. Attempts to return a damaged gut microbiome to a healthy state are not always positive. Intrusive interventions should be undertaken with great care.
Managing age-related muscle loss
As we age, we lose muscle mass unless we train for strength, eat enough real food and get enough sleep. Each of these can be achieved with a little effort and attention. We can preserve muscle mass and strength with things like yoga, calisthenics, and weight lifting. Those exercises must be accompanied by eating enough protein from real food. The third component, sleep, is often overlooked but it is vital because our body builds muscle as we sleep.
Book Review: Ketogenic - The science of therapeutic carbohydrate restriction in human health
A review of Ketogenic: The science of therapeutic carbohydrate restriction in human health, Edited by the Nutrition Network. This is an indispensable text for anyone interested in the metabolic and health effects of carbohydrates in the human diet.
The most nutritious food
What are the best food sources of things like protein, vitamins, and minerals? As someone I used to work with might say, that depends. It depends upon whether you mean total or bioavailable. It also depends on your dietary preferences. I’m interested in the most bioavailable real food irrespective of the source. In this post, I present data from the academic literature showing that animal-based foods are the most suited to our human digestion and metabolism.
The main ingredient in seed oils causes liver disease and liver cancer
The main ingredient in seed oils is called linoleic acid. It is harmful to our body because it damages our immune system. Its effects on our liver are so dramatic that linoleic can act alone to cause liver disease progression all the way to liver cancer.
Food is not medicine - It is so much more important
Have you ever heard the term “food is medicine”? The first time I heard it my gut reaction was positive…of course that makes sense plus it’s snappy and easy to remember. Turns out I was wrong. Real food is so much more important than medicine and eating what’s good for us can stop us from needing medicine. Read on for more
Plant- and animal-based proteins are not the same
I’m in the second half of a century well lived and suffer from age-related muscle loss. This is natural and easily managed by eating enough bioavailable protein and exercising properly. I recently read a great paper about how to get enough bioavailable protein to retain and build back muscles and strength. I describe it here.
The importance of magnesium
What happens when many people around the world don’t get enough of an essential micronutrient? It turns out that blood tests for magnesium aren’t very useful and we may be able to correct for a lack of magnesium in the short-term at the expense of our long-term health. The good news is that there are things that can be done to correct a deficiency. Read on if you want to learn more.
Nutrients in our food are decreasing
One of the great achievements of modern agriculture has been the increase in yields since the 1960s that have allowed us to feed a growing population. However, this increase in yield has come at a price. The micronutrient content of many fruits, veg, meats and dairy has decreased considerably since our grandparents’ days. This decline is as high as 50% for certain micronutrients and it affects product from much of Europe and USA. We need to take care to consume a diverse range of real foods in order to satisfy our short- and long-term nutritional needs.