Nutrition and lifestyle are the keys to longevity

A blog by Michael Butler

Articles and opinions for my family & friends about how I am living a healthier life informed by scientific research undertaken since being diagnosed with heart disease. Starting with the principle that each of us is biologically unique, everyone can use nutrition and lifestyle to achieve their greatest potential.

Paper review, Micronutrient, Nutrient density, Nutrition Michael Butler Paper review, Micronutrient, Nutrient density, Nutrition Michael Butler

The UK diet lacks vitamins and minerals

People in the UK get on average 50% of their dietary energy from ultra-processed food (UPF). It is shown in this paper that UPF does not contain enough vitamins and minerals to provide the minimum amounts recommended by UK dietary guidelines. A dramatic rise in hospitalisations caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies has been recorded.

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Human health and disease, Micronutrient Michael Butler Human health and disease, Micronutrient Michael Butler

A lack of vitamins and minerals from food increases NHS hospital admissions

A simple headline in the Guardian newspaper caught my attention immediately. Adequate Vitamin and mineral levels are a core determinant of a healthy life. When people are showing up in hospital because of or with a lack of vitamins and minerals, something has gone seriously wrong. I dug into the numbers and present here what I think may be going on and how to fix it.

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“…a healthy brain requires a meaty diet”

It’s not often I read about the pros and cons of meat-based vs plant-based diets in a major newspaper. This was a good one

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The importance of Vitamin D

There is good evidence that many, if not most, of us are deficient in Vitamin D. We’ve known for a long time that this can cause rickets, an easily identified symptom. It is now becoming evident that lack of Vitamin D may result in frequent infections and things like cancer and osteoporosis. There are ways to get enough Vitamin D, read on if you’re interested.

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The importance of magnesium

What happens when many people around the world don’t get enough of an essential micronutrient? It turns out that blood tests for magnesium aren’t very useful and we may be able to correct for a lack of magnesium in the short-term at the expense of our long-term health. The good news is that there are things that can be done to correct a deficiency. Read on if you want to learn more.

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