Nutrition and lifestyle are the keys to longevity
A blog by Michael Butler
Articles and opinions for my family & friends about how I am living a healthier life informed by scientific research undertaken since being diagnosed with heart disease. Starting with the principle that each of us is biologically unique, everyone can use nutrition and lifestyle to achieve their greatest potential.
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- 2024 1
- Agriculture 1
- Annual review 1
- Argentina 2
- Biology 1
- Blood glucose 1
- Book list 5
- Book review 3
- Carbohydrate 9
- Carnivore diet 2
- Chile 1
- Chronic disease 17
- Chronic inflammation 1
- Circadian rhythm 1
- Continuous glucose monitor 1
- Dietary guidance 1
- Electrolyte 1
- Environment 1
- Evolutionary mismatch 6
- Exercise 3
- Fat 1
- Fermented food 7
- Fibre 2
- Food 4
- Fruit juice 1
- Gardening 4
- Genetics 1
- Grounding 2
- Heart disease 12
- Holobiont 1
- Human Metabolism 14
- Human development 1
- Human evolution 12
- Human health and disease 22
- Human microbiome 10
- Human nutrition 12
- Immune suppression 1
- Immune system 1
- Industrially processed ingredients 3
- Inspiring stories 1
- Insulin resistance 3
- Ketogenic diet 10
- Low carbohydrate diet 1
- Macronutrient 5
- Meat-based diet 1
- Medicine 1
- Mental health 8
- Microbiome 9
- Microbiota 9
- Microbiota diversity 1
Carnivore diet replaced drugs for ADHD and Depression
This is the inspirational story of one young man finding the strength to figure out for himself how to use his diet to reverse poor mental health.
Local and seasonal - February 2025
If, like me, you believe that exposure to the natural world is important for a healthy life, how can that be achieved? I believe we are adapted to consume real, local food, regularly replenish our microbiome, feel the sun’s warmth, and benefit from touching the earth. This article is the first in a monthly series describing how I do that…even in chilly February.
What’s in store for 2025?
I’ve never been good at predicting things, especially the future. We’ll see if this plan survives exposure to the field of battle. Two big things…we need to take care of ourselves…this means being exposed to the natural world we evolved alongside. Think real food, the microbiome, sunlight, and the earth’s electrical charge.
The UK diet lacks vitamins and minerals
People in the UK get on average 50% of their dietary energy from ultra-processed food (UPF). It is shown in this paper that UPF does not contain enough vitamins and minerals to provide the minimum amounts recommended by UK dietary guidelines. A dramatic rise in hospitalisations caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies has been recorded.
A lack of vitamins and minerals from food increases NHS hospital admissions
A simple headline in the Guardian newspaper caught my attention immediately. Adequate Vitamin and mineral levels are a core determinant of a healthy life. When people are showing up in hospital because of or with a lack of vitamins and minerals, something has gone seriously wrong. I dug into the numbers and present here what I think may be going on and how to fix it.
2024 Review
As it says on the tin…I’ve described the major themes that emerged for me in 2024 and listed by month the 40+ articles I wrote.
Nature - Winter solstice 2024
The shortest day and longest night in the northern hemisphere marks the start of the astronomical winter.
Continuous glucose monitors show which foods can harm us
A CGM can show us which foods are raising blood glucose and may harm us if we continue to eat them.
My poor diet repeatedly damaged my arteries
An illustrative reminder of the way heart disease (plaque) is caused by repeat clot formation in arteries, not cholesterol.
It’s almost impossible to lose weight on a high carb diet
Have you ever wondered why it’s so difficult to lose weight when eating a recommended high carbohydrate diet? We’re not doing anything wrong. Quite the reverse, on such a diet our body is evolved to gain weight.
Revolutionising Health with Real Food: 2nd Annual Scottish PHC Conference
Want to know what some of the UK’s most prominent doctors are saying about diet and metabolic health? Read on.
The garden - 2024 October
A summary of what is happening in the vegetable garden in October…with a reminder of why I’m now doing this monthly…and a picture showing the source of this month’s organic mulch
We evolved to consume every kind of fat
When we consume real food, we consume fat and every type of fat. There are no exceptions.
Poor mental health may be another symptom of malnutrition
Have you noticed that mental illnesses such as depression and Alzheimer’s are on the rise in the same was as things like heart disease and type 2 diabetes? Well, they are. I recently attended a conference in which a compelling case was made for high carbohydrate diets causing mental illness in the same was as they do so-called chronic diseases. This article presents that case and describes a solution.
First Annual Keto Brain Health Conference
If you’re interested in mental illness causes and remedies this is a conference you might consider. It was packed with interesting speakers, their inspirational stories of recovery and how a ketogenic diet helped them.
The garden - 2024 September
A summary of what is happening in the vegetable garden in September